Targets and indicators

Target 4.1

Ensure access to quality school education for all children and adolescents

Target 4.2

Ensure access to quality pre–primary development for all children

Target 4.3

Ensure access to vocational education

Target 4.4

Improve the quality of tertiary education and ensure its close relationship with science, and promote the establishment of towns of education and science in the country

Indicator 4.4.2

Indicator 4.4.3

Cost of training a specialist
  • Indicator status Reported

Target 4.5

Increase the prevalence of knowledge and skills required for decent jobs and entrepreneurship among the population

Target 4.6

Eliminate gender disparities among school teachers

Indicator 4.6.1

Share of men among pedagogical staff, %
  • Indicator status Reported

Target 4.7

Create a modern learning environment in schools, including inclusive education, through innovative approaches

Indicator 4.7.1

Indicator 4.7.3

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