Targets and indicators

Target 2.1

Ensure accessibility to balanced nutrition to the level of scientifically based tandards for all population groups

Indicator 2.1.1

Consumption of meat per capita, kg/year
  • Indicator status Reported

Indicator 2.1.2

Indicator 2.1.3

Consumption of fish per capita, kg/year
  • Indicator status Reported

Indicator 2.1.4

Indicator 2.1.5

Consumption of fruit per capita, kg/year
  • Indicator status Reported

Target 2.2

Double agricultural productivity, primarily through innovative technologies

Indicator 2.2.1

Indicator 2.2.2

The index of agricultural production, %
  • Indicator status Reported

Target 2.3

Ensure the development of sustainable food production systems that help maintain ecosystems and gradually improve the quality of land and soil, primarily through innovative technologies

Indicator 2.3.1

The index of food production, %
  • Indicator status Reported

Target 2.4

Reduce the volatility of food prices

Indicator 2.4.1

The consumer price index for food, %
  • Indicator status Reported

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