Targets and indicators

Target 3.1

Reduce maternal mortality

Indicator 3.1.1

Target 3.2

Minimize preventable mortality among children under 5

Indicator 3.2.1

Target 3.3

End the epidemics of HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, including through innovative practices and treatments

Target 3.4

Reduce premature mortality from noncommunicable diseases

Target 3.5

Reduce by a quarter premature mortality, including through the introduction of innovative approaches to diagnosing diseases

Indicator 3.5.1

Indicator 3.5.2

Target 3.6

Reduce serious injuries and deaths from road traffic accidents, including through innovative practices of resuscitation, treatment and rehabilitation after road traffic accidents

Indicator 3.6.1

Indicator 3.6.2

Target 3.7

Ensure universal, quality immunization with innovative vaccines

Target 3.8

Reduce the prevalence of smoking among the population through innovative media to inform about negative effects of smoking

Indicator 3.8.1

Indicator 3.8.2

Target 3.9

Reform health care financing

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